
    Person / signage downstairs (rotating role)

###02. Intake as a Service
5 steps.
    1. .entrance downstairs, forward to eleveator: 
    2. -Elevator experience: 
    3. Intake desk: software curious personas (scp), get assigned a pad, redirected to services, 
    4. waiting room, breathing exercises (technotantra)agile poker=eta
    5. service, outtake, pdf record

###3. Elevator (everybody goes up through it)

?###3b. reverse engineering to flowchart?

###4. Actual Flowchart service

###5. blobservation: fortune telling service 
the script takes different sentences from pads

###6. Something in the middle maybe - SITMMaaS 
###7. PNW - Personal Nannyware
###8. WTC Time
###9. Interface detournement
###10. Agile yoga

###11. File therapy
###12. Relational software observatory Consultancy service (RSOCS)
Vocabularies --> useful for fortune telling? http://etherbox.local:9001/p/vocabulary.md

###13. Print template    -  

###14. Couch session

###15. Aquine service?

##Spaces: (mia keeps track) 
elevator 1p (Joseph + )
intake 3ppl (Seda + Mia? + ?)becky
flowchart 2-3ppl (Larisa + Michaela)
blobservator 2 ppl (Ricardo + Ana)
SITMMaaS - 2? ppl (Yogi + Luis + ?) 
Agile yoga 1p + ?
Interface detournmenet 1 + beamer?