1. The output phase. Let’s work on the second part of the program first. It’s not as interesting as the problem of computing prime numbers; but the job of printing must be done sooner or later, and we might as well do it sooner, since it will be good to have it done. [[And it is easier to learn WEB when reading a program that has comparatively few distracting complications.]] Since p is simply an array of integers, there is little difficulty in printing the output, except that we need to decide upon a suitable output format. Let us print the table on separate pages, with rr rows and cc columns per page, where every column is ww character positions wide. In this case we shall choose rr = 50, cc = 4, and ww = 10, so that the first 1000 primes will appear on five pages. The program will not assume that m is an exact multiple of rr · cc .