Morning going through the different groups Welcome to ppl joining, review of 1st 2 days.

We've visited 2 computer history museums!

Summary from groups:

* http://etherbox.local:9001/p/
* http://etherbox.local:9001/p/multiple-software-axes
* http://etherbox.local:9001/p/

Block 2: from "what is software" to "where and how software is made".

The pad for Silvio's talk is here: http://etherbox.local:9001/p/

a moment of chair YOGA! http://etherbox.local/home/pi/video/friday/P1010298.webm#t=00:40

"Shouldn't you be working?" Ne Travaillez Jaimais Proposals for the Afternoon DOING ------------------------------------------------------

Continue "TOC and Introduction of Guide Seda, Carlin, Femke??? http://etherbox.local:9001/p/ -- find a way to bridge from entreprecariat to observing ---inventory of possible contributions mentioned so far ---review current proposed topics/categories in ToC

Connecting "The agile turn" (Guerses + Van Hoboken) to entreprecariat (Lorusso) i'll be interested in looking at agile/scrum/etc, on different levels (trying to understand it and to use it, for instance in trying to design some parts of the clinic on monday or other elements, and also to abuse it with going at it for irony, detournement) - anne most software is under IP law and most hardware is under Patent Law so maybe crucial distinction between these terms is legal and not technical

Discussion about preps the tool clinic e.g., frameworks, planning, method development http://etherbox.local:9001/p/ [or maybe we take time for that on Sunday]

Work on vocabulary pairings for glossary/vocabulary (Loup) ; maybe doing a reconceptualization like haraway, a counter conceptualization with one expression against another, see at the end of this paper [[http://etherbox.local/home/pi/books/Haraway_Situated_Knowledges.pdf]] From what I understood Haraway use a principle called diffraction to compose these pairs, where the counter word she proposed is a way to diffract/reopen/demultiplicate possibility of knowledge out of a single objectivity. (maybe one change would be to not have them be always pairs but also sometimes groups of three or four . Table of haraway, from her article situated knowledge, p588: Universal rationality etnophilosophies Common language heteroglossia new organon deconstruction unified field theory oppositional positioning world system local knowledges master theory webbed accounts

`` I am less interested in the critical practice of reflection, of showing once-again that emperor has no clothes, than in finding a way to diffract critical inquiry in order to make difference patterns in a more worldly way. ” p429, Haraway, modest witness, 1996

“Diffraction patterns record the passage of difference, interaction, interference” p429-430, Haraway, modest witness, 1996 Maybe somehow similar to a segment of previous worksession DIVERSIONS

box/server/interface mixing up we can see/explore the root folder..what else could we do?bridging discussion on read/executable files of previous days with discussion on sysadmin/interfaces/design and related roles

files-on-disks review the notes of day 1 & explore further -> An (unfortunately I will not be there tomorrow, I'll work on my train journey of 4hs and hopefully come back with something on Sunday)
make a big drawing abstractions ....

Animal link tread -- look at the shift of the interface/icon design ! might be fun to investigate link to second wave of cybernetics, where there was a link created to animals. A dolphin has for example two departments in the brain, which it uses to charge half-of-the-day and the other part would be active. Which embodies the idea of 24/7 already. software-as-inscription

observation: how does the software looks to you (reverse of the files-on-disk: looking at logs, limitations set by the software, ...) inservation? observing from within.... reservation counterservation

what is the role within the system of the system-user interaction which images are drawn of the user by the software? and how can we detect that in a piece of software?

an idea: we can install software and analyse what it asks from the user (good one!)

Time based text, a javascript library for recording software of text. Time based Text, Roman Opalka

system time Unix time
where is the clock software sitting within our computers?

link to conceptual artworks from Opalka. ( ) connection to the train-time-systems

"Most first-generation PCs did not keep track of dates and times."

punchard computing algorithms ----how the operator partakes the algorithm

the software sketching observation group yuppies [ssogy] observing the sketching process of software [otspos] We are [ssogy], our research project is called [otspos], this is our pad: http://etherbox.local:9001/p/ flowchart rulers: http://etherbox.local/home/pi/images/wednesday/P1040728.JPG http://etherbox.local/home/pi/images/wednesday/P1040730.JPG

makes me think of free speech movement: ppl as punchcard, "we're not a number, etc."

Nannyware for etherboxes: productivity owl managed by the etherbox. If you do not work, you do not need to waste its resources/cycles/time ;-) it would be nice to have software that observed us as users (plural) in environments with an interest in that collectivity



would like to further elaborate on the "fuzzy lines around definitions of software" software as defined by the network (a simple sniffer tool could be developed for this that runs in the etherbox?) thin / fat client software, where does it live? creating a cage for software so that we can study individual pieces of software as zoo animals... DRM as software that disables software

Further exploring the SAS Survival Book as metaphors that can shed light on some aspects of software (loops, knots, rescue)

A software planetarium, does "software matter" agglutinate to form constellations? /dev/null is a black hole

AlgorithmicKitchen as a format? ( )


SCRUM as a plot by 3M to sell post-its the datacenter as an appartment block for software Russia, former Yugoslavia, India as development outsourcing powerhouses STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) colonialism?

Practical task: format Markdown pads properly? (meditative markdown) Right now they're a mix between Markdown and the Etherpad formatting. Would be useful to edit them into proper Markdown so we can produce pretty outputs. And maybe we can come up with ways to ease/amplify etherbox publishing while we're at it. THE MEDITATIVE TEMPLATE TASKFORCE See: (prototype) http://etherbox.local/home/pi/etherdump/newindex.html (join Christoph + Ricardo) We're working on the style guide for Markdown formatting: http://etherbox.local:9001/p/


useless scroll against productivity