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# Etherbox Manual

An interview with etherbox: < http://www.aprja.net/interview-with-an-etherbox >

## Manual to the guide

Markdown : < https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet >   
** A MAKE FILE is not a cms! **  
< http://etherbox.local/home/pi/makefile >  
executable notebook   
recipes for things that can be made f.ex. dump   
` make dump ` : each file of etherpad is saved in different formats

This page as a PDF: < http://etherbox.local/home/pi/etherdump/toc.pdf >

make file is executed every 5 minutes, overriding older versions.   
using tool called 'pandoc' (uses Latex)   
creates automatic index based on Markdown hierarchy   
using existing tools to make a modular workflow that can be interfered with.   

y ou can create new pages in 'name filter' box on < http://etherbox.local/home/pi/etherdump/_index.html >  
< http://etherbox.local/home/pi/etherdump / >

using magic markup n.o. publish means the page will not be archived or included in generated pages. (will this page be non-published now? ah. yes! euh ... do we need 'noetherpad' markup?!)

> etherpad is a stream of keystrokes, each annotated with timestamp and author

the local server is also a file server: click _ home _ , there is a folder _ books _ , where you can drag-and-drop your files in < http://etherbox.local/home/pi/books/ >

** Combining files/pads, making assemblages! **

producing combined pdf of different files / publishing mode :-) --- super trooper!   
Scrapbook PDF: < http://etherbox.local/home/pi/etherdump/scrapbook.scrp.pdf >  
is the results of this pad: < http://etherbox.local:9001/p/scrapbook.pdfsrcs >  
is also a way to bring pictures in!

So another way to think about the ToC is as a list of possible pads

You can contribute in different ways:
  * write text
  * write make files
  * change source files (for example the makefile)
  * do MD (markdown)

How/where to run commands?   
The Makefile is not a pad, but it could be.   
Might be good to make make-file more rigid

How to run the Makefile?   
Terminal access through ssh is possible. It is a way to log into the pi and run the scripts.   
user = pi, password=raspberry   
` $ ssh pi@etherbox.local `
` $ make `

to try this out yourself:   

1. create a pad test.md   
2. wait 5 mins   
3. go to t est.pdf   
4. check.   
5. If the result is not what you expect, in the home folder, there is cron.log.txt, for when something goes wrong   
6. < http://etherbox.local/home/pi/cron.log.txt >

Mind the convention to name Pandoc-PDF files: filename.p.pdf

The working makefile is here:   
< http://etherbox.local/home/pi/makefile >

IF AN ERROR OCCU R , the LOG flie is here:   
< http://etherbox.local/home/pi/cron.log.txt >