Retrospective / Take Out
This service verifies whether your expectations are being met. If so, we provide you with your official record and you are ready to leave the clinic.
Service time: 10 min
Description: This is where SCPs complete their use of the Walk-In Clinic. Retrospection booth will ask SCPs:
- ask the person for scp-file, find md on etherbox
- type their impressions: ### Evaluation * document highlights of their visit * document experiences of Agile Yoga and the Divination Machine
- ask them if they want to amend, edit or delete their file, give them an opportunity to do so.
- generate pdf: # connect to pi $ ssh pi@etherbox.local $ pass: raspberry $ ./ $ make etherdump/SCP.donatella.pdf -B
- print out the SCPs file pdf
- have them sign/stamp their print file
- hand out the descriptions of all the services.
- ask them to get print out of the printer