File therapy

The most recent text for public use is here: http://etherbox.local:9001/p/

Script for Your problem is a file! For the Desk Intake: Do you have software problems: is it a file? // can you write it into a file??? For the Service Intake: Pick a file together

Possible problems: forgetting password (dis)organising files psychological effects of messy desktops / computer problems

How do we deal with it - ritualize the process (urban 'magician'/medium practices) - take inspiration from colour therapy / sound therapy/mindless mindfulness? Agile Yoga?

Treatments: >complex pixel surgery: identifying the pixel problem, extirpating it, restoring&(eventually returning the file to the owner) >sound therapy >regression therapy: renarrating traumatic software experiences through pixel rearrangement >blood letting: Put everything into a file and delete it (Think about problems recovery system>what happens after the deletion?) >Send to desktop logistics/cleaning service

During the treatments people get an explanation of the various translations.

What to give people as a take away? > printed image of the file > sound file

Why is it a critique? - Unix philosophy everything is a file - challenging the idea of fixing (cause/effect) - making software problems more tangible through transformation

THINGS WE NEED: - At least two computers, one of them must be able to work with both printer & speakers - USB stick - Speakers - Printer


usb stick -- find some therapeutical packaging (stick the feather on the USB) -- write bash script to print text on terminal when USB is plugged in + -- script to print pixels from a file (eventually when USB is plugged in) first page, with pixels seeable by hand convert -size 16x16 -depth 8 gray:FILE_TO_THERAPIZE output.gif -- decide on the message displayed when USB is plugged in

audio sonification -- how to make into a relaxing drone

-- which problems become files? Network problems: via networkconfiguration files Desktop managing: turn all files into one

run script when usb is plugged in