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Warning: DirtyDB is used. This is fine for testing but not recommended for production. -- To suppress these warning messages change suppressErrorsInPadText to true in your settings.jsonCargo Cult Galore

- An: look at Yoga and Agile, see if there are useful tools

source material for sun salutations :
13 steps 

a collection of images about yoga and business from the https://www.yogajournal.com/teach/business-of-yoga


- look for an office space in the building: can we perform agile yoga in something that looks like an office space

- everyone: observe Group 0
- everyone: document your steps

next step:

    how do we approach group 0?
    do we ask for consent?
    what do we observe? we will see
#first contact:
##A member of the group confirms that our project is a good one.
##Another member claims that if I use my folding device "I can see everything that they are doing"

observer 1: what i now know
on the screenthere was a lot of '$'

a member of the group interacted on the black square with text that made him giggle. was that practical joke ?
Cargo Cult Science
Richard Feynman CALTECH commencement address 1974

##### Etherbox observation exercise by Luis

Can't extricate myself from you
Richard Feynman once said that being a physicist was a bit like being a person that doesn't know anything whatsoever about chess, and tries to figure out the rules by simply looking at a game. After a few minutes you start to detect patterns, bishops move diagonally, pawns can only move forward, and can move to squares forward if it's the first move and so on. After observing a few games of chess you start to get the hang of it and think that you grasp its rules, that you understand the game and then something surprising happens the king seems to move in a pattern that you have never seen before as it is swapped for a rook, that's castling and turns out to be a perfectly legal move, but it simply doesn't happen as often as other moves, so it comes as a surprise and then as an observed you have to revise your model of the game which reflects the understanding that you had prior to castling.

The exercise of observation was difficult for me because as I saw commands stream off the fingers of my colleagues, I could recognize commands, I understood the intention behind those commands and had forecasts about their possible outcomes which interfered with my observation. It was hard from me to extricate myself from the tasks that the etherbox group were doing. I understood some of the things that were happening in the screens that my mind began interpreting and this interpreting was getting in the way of my observing.

Two of the members of the etherbox group had white Lenovo computers, in contrast to the rest of the team which had black Lenovos. Black Lenovos have become symbolic in hacker culture for being the computer of choice of many individuals that consider themselves hackers. The two people with white Lenovos were graphic design workers, their conversation went around choice of typefaces and stylesheets, while still working in the terminal. Some aspects of their working session appear identical to a working session that I would carry out as a programmer, but their choice of Lenovo, the use of certain softwares such as `fontforge` made their work distinct from the work that other members of the group were carrying out.

Etherbox observation by Becky

A group of people are crowded around a table in a hot room. Each has a laptop of their own. Some are lenovos, some macs. Their shoulders are hunched in varying configurations, their arms displayed in front, hands arrayed across keyboards in the optimum alighment to reach keys necessary to their typing activities. I sit down on a chair on the periphery of the group, tuning in to their body language and discussion. After a couple of minutes, I rotate to another chair at another point along the periphery. This allows me to view the action from different points. During this period of time, people mostly maintain eye contact with their screens, however, at one juncture, one person in particular speaks up with a sense of authority over the others, taking stock of group priorities and recommending a change in direction in their work. While this person speaks, most members of the group maintain eye contact with their screens, engaged in some other form of communication. A few nod their heads to provide verbal affirmation of the speaker while continuing to look into their screens. 

A familiar feeling hits me: a resignation to the fact that a lot of computing labor looks the same. People hunched in front of folding objects, boring their eyes into an expanded universe invisible to the observer. The dilemma that has for several decades haunted movie directors and stock image photographers. The result of which has been swooping shots of hackers flying across brightly colored silicon cities as they 'hack into the mainframe'(betraying a need to create a space in which to understand the body and the multidimensionality of computing work); or profile shots of men in hoodies hunched over screens, illuminated by the heavenly blue light emmitted from the internal world of their device. Luis observed that during the observation period some people were involved with work using the terminal, while others were occupied with choosing type faces and other graphic concerns, but that a less aquainted observer would perhaps not make this distinction. He implies that in this case 'expert knowledge' brings a form of multidimensionality to the observation of computing labor, but that it also came at the cost of becoming drawn into one particular element of the observed phenomena; that which aligned with his expertise;  at the cost of others. 

(Luis) OSP has the most office-looking space in the 4 floors that I explored.

The office scrum: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Daily_sprint_meeting.jpg
The rugby pitch scrum: http://sportycious.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/A-Beginnerss-Guide-to-the-Basics-of-Rugby-Union-Positions.jpg

elements of the scrum

stand-up meeting --> salutation to the sun
burn-down charts --> burn-down carbs
planning poker --> ????
backlog --> ???
sprint -->
definition of done -->
velocity -->
spike -->
tracer bullet -->

pair programming as a method

Seda's observations:
    1) don't want to just stick to observations of the room but also what is hapenning on the screens and in the machines and how these are interlaced
    2) people found it intrusive/obstructive: i like how we can talk about observation so easily and desirably but the moment we observer ourselves the discomfort of the (colonial) gaze becomes present