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Our Timemaster: mr. David Mills, inventor of the Networked Time Protocol: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/DL_Mills-2.jpg

Atomic clock ensemble at the U.S. Naval Observatory:

Let's make a quick inventory of clocks related to computers:
Clock inventory / Time and Clocks:
it is now: 16:00
time available: 
    1800 units unix time
= 30 mins (?) to search 
... here we go

NTP is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks.:
Time Server https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_server
Windows Time service ("W32Time"),[18] which has the ability to synchronize the computer clock to an NTP server.

Swatch Internet Time, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time ("Swatch Internet Time (or beat time) is a decimal time concept introduced in 1998 by the Swatch corporation as part of their marketing campaign for their line of "Beat" watches.)

Real-time clock ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-time_clock )

System Time ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_time )
"system time represents a computer system's notion of the passing of time"

Long Now ( http://longnow.org/   +  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Now_Foundation)

Time Zones
Well in this case this could stand for technogalactic time
is this entropy?

Cronjob, https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cronjob

Time Sharing ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-sharing )
 between processes, tasks, computer
and its connection to cloud-computing

UTC, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time
(TAI, from the French name Temps Atomique International [1]) is a high-precision atomic coordinate time standard based on the notional passage of proper time on Earth's geoid.[2] It is the principal realisation of Terrestrial Time (except for a fixed offset of epoch). It is also the basis for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is used for civil timekeeping all over the Earth's surface. 

Kernel timers: http://www.makelinux.net/ldd3/chp-7-sect-4
These timers are used to schedule execution of a function at a particular time in the future, based on the clock tick. A kernel timer is a data structure that instructs the kernel to execute a user-defined function with a user-defined argument at a user-defined time. The implementation resides in <linux/timer.h> and kernel/timer.c 

Overview on https://linux.die.net/man/7/time -> overview of time and timers  on linux man page

Verisoning systems


CPU time (what is it?)
CPU clock cycles
WTC time : at 17:01 sharp the airconditioning shuts down
 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_oscillator )

AC frequency: 50Hz B <-> 60Hz in US  http://www.school-for-champions.com/science/ac_world_volt_freq.htm
-> this affects clock cycles and any time measurement based on it -> UPDATE: not correct
Boot time 
fast boot  is good 

Disciplinary/Normative Times
Subjective Time (non-universal)

Choreographic TIME concepts:
rhythm / tempo / phrasing / accent / unison / duration / counterpoint / cascade / canon.
Is there a way of sensing body activity out of a time measure  ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_rate   +  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiac_cycle
I wonder if you connect a sensor to a computer non refering universal time if you would get any meaningful information?

Galactic Time Protocol

Computers that were not connected to a universal time - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_time#History  
Does this means that they have no time feature? or do they then become more related to Choregraphic time?

Arbeidstijdenwet / The Working Hours Act
Regulates work times for employees.
Federal law on work time

idle time

Joana raises philospophical question: Is there a plant or animal that has a countdown to death .. ? 
Hans gets philosophical: "For the processor we are a bunch of processes"

Sundial: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundial -> time dependent on seasonal sunset

Calendar systems (Julian vs Hadrianic vs Muslim vs ...)
Maya ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_calendar ) — time cycles with different durations.

Ends of times machine
apocalyptic time machine
integrated count down towards the ends of times as we know them 

List of time units: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_of_time#List
Time unit converter: http://www.unitconversion.org/unit_converter/time.html

Sundial  Networkserver
(example of network time protocol http://www.pool.ntp.org/en/use.html )

Seasonal time for computers: hours are shorter in the winter, hours are longer in the summe

Networked Sundial Time Protocol

Imagine: Computers in a worldwide distributed network all calculate time based on their local sun positions; through a 'sundial'. This sundial can be technical: ntp + local positioning can calculate position of the sun for each day / season and adjust computer clocks to it.
A protocol that negotiates time between local machines all counting in sundial time units. 

The advantage in comparison to the NTP: The NTP bases itself on the no more master clock at the Atomic clock ensemble at the U.S. Naval Observatory. This protocol is basing itself on as many different sunpositions as there are computers in the network, favoring local and seasonal time experience above a universalist US controled centralised time. 
Side -effect is that computers no longer are in specific time zones, as the sundial protocol defines a time zone per computer location. 

I made a small text as a summary, still work in progress: http://etherbox.local:9001/p/negotiating-time .md

maybe also interesting?

Linux log file viewers and analysers:
    - var/log/ -> contains system logs
    - Which and how to look at them: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-gnome-system-log-viewer/
    - start Gnome system log viewer on the comm: gnome-system-log &
To analyse the booting-up: systemd-analyze / 
more detail on processes: systemd-analyze blame
show it in a plot: systemd-analyze plot