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### Name of the Software Curious Person: Ayanoa

### Situation: the big google and facebook conspiracy and how to argue with it to non-technical user

### Description of situation at hand:

A lot of friends I meet have facebook, have no knowledge of the privacy issues and no way of making direct, strong and not annoying arguments.
I want to subscribe in some online courses and they ask me directly if they can use my google account. All the time I say no. I cannot subscribe to these services. I give them a jetable address. But I loose a lot of time, lots of interconnections and I don't know if the webmaster implemented this, or if this is a big google conspiracy.

### Directed to Services: RSOC
### Total time available: 10-20

### Estimated Time for service: 20

### What would be a outcome:
    Some recommendations and linking to something funny and "correct". I am already thinking of the solution that can help me and my friends who use facebook with closed eyes. New ideas.

### Evaluation
RSOC ont renvoyé un mirioir, recommandé de faire qqch elle-même sur un blog/site et de pouvoir envoyer les gens vers ce site avec des arguments
Highlights: Fortune Blobservice & Agile Yoga (vocabulaire et imagination géniale)
Contente avec SITMM, avoir deux navigateurs suffit, bonne solution

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# Something In The Middle Maybe (SiTMM)

Sometimes certain websites ask if they may use information from running google.com services upon subscription.  If this is refused by the SCP then subscription does not work.

Suggested using different browsers for different tasks seemed to ease the situation.

# Rsoc - Relational software observatory Consultancy service

### What kind of user would you say you are?
i don't like browsers to be slow because of medias and images. i'm an old style user. i knew the internet before pop up and advertisement. i like to have informations quickly. Except if i want to have images or videos. Impatient user. Also a technical mathematical user. I can't be an expert the uses are completely different. I like to have my own way of doing.
### What is your most frequently used type of software?
browser. with lots of bloc add-ons. python, vi graphic.
### How often do you install/experiment/learn new software?
sometimes i'm looking for news stuff as a teacher of mathematics. sometimes during several weeks i try all new ones. Sometimes none. In Re-learn i've classified all mathematical softwares in free softwares. I'm a trainer. Sage-Math.

### Can you talk about your most technical encounter with your computer / telephone ?
no Gs. Only phone. I'm waiting for free hardware and free software. My phone when it's off it's off.

## how do you pay for your software use ?
## what is the last software you did pay for using ?
sometimes at the fossdem i buy stuff at distribution stands to supoort free software projects. I don't have mean to pay online. So i pay when i meet people.
## what online services are you paying for ?
my hosting at domaine public. 10€ per year. Email, some host for webpages, aliases. I don't buy domain.name.

## personal

##what is you recollection of first use?
Au centre de calcul de l'université, travaux et résolutions de matrices. Du temps de calcul sur l'ordinateur par an, on entrait nos données et programme sur cartes perforées. Impressionant.
### What stories around contracts and administration in relation to your software internet or computer ?

### How does software help you shape your relations with other people ?
a great part of my social life is linked to sofware use. I'm a member of Bxlug, samedies. I train people in free software.
i use okcupid an online dating website because of the algorythm. Because it's interested. I've been contacted it was fun.Most of my relations to people through software is self help.
### first use and how that make you feel
excited, but disapointed because people are not playing the game. Full of hope at the beginning.
### From which countries does your softwares live / is coming from? How do you feel about that?
### Have you ever read a term of software service ? That is not targeting american market?
i always start to read them but after sometimes i stop. I use adblockers i receive a lot of message of desapointment concerning this sofware terms of service because of it.
i don't pay attention. I rely on the community and news to warn me when there is a problem. 

...ayanoaAsMathematicStudentFortranAndPerforatedCardsUSER - experienced discipline and scarsicty of limited resources at university work thorough timed asignments. This shaped her relation to software as very profesional use focused.
...ayanoaAsMathematicTeacherTesterUSER - spends lots of time testing all Mathematics software whenever it is new and tries to apply this knowledge. She uses cloud software but for remote use of Mathematics software.
...ayanoaAsInformedOldSchoolEarlyUSER - early adopter and unpatient with media hyper-stimulation via advertsing and entertainment. She Firefox with lots of blocking add-ons.
...ayanoaAsInvestorInSoftwareServiceUSER -  pays only for email use, webspace and aliases 10eur / year 
...ayanoaAsActivistForSoftwareCollectivesAsSupporter -  member of Semedies and Linux user group of Belgium
...ayanoaAsOkCupidUSER - uses it primarily due to dating algorythm which is very interesting  in itself. Recommended through friend.

        - consider different creative writing and documenting practices
        - creative works and methods in using Mathematica and other similar software
        - consider using dating software also for a playful interaction before going back to serious test and also publishing it
        - consider interacting with webmasters who do ad-blocking to inform them that they use software that is exploitative and supporting capitalism 

# "What is it like to be an elevator?"

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# Flow of the chart - chart of the flow on demand!