t### Glossary Vocabulary ~ [[It might be nice to have the terms link out to different definitions online maybe even if the links could randomly rotate so we can be more speculative/creative with definitions while also connecting to technical/historical/precise descriptions. It would also be nice if there were multiple links for a given term and each time you click you are sent to a different definition]][[And to be able to link terms together that overlap or have other kinds of relationships such as file/program/data. Word pairings. Odd pairings.]] [[there should be a rule that there are at least two definitions for any term that is in the glossary]][[maybe doing a reconceptualization like haraway, a counter conceptualization with one expressions against another, see at the end of this paper http://www.staff.amu.edu.pl/~ewa/Haraway,%20Situated%20Knowledges.pdf]]
[[operators, inoperators...could these relate to observation]]
NEXT STEPS : -how to fixed the list of concepts ? -swarm observer -> listen and pick concepts from other groups -then try to make a first iteration to reconceptualize our list with the operators/inoperators -try to create/compile/promote neologisms that reflect critically on its field and include some self-irony/poetics - try to add a "metaphorical" layer. -try to find a way to use that as an exerxice during the clicic -> rename elements of an interface in the browser, then also get rid of all of the text in the interface, satire, fake interface, layout reverse-engineering Ex ; dropbox, paypal
Motivation: - capitalism as sorcery (Isabelle Stengers) : we are under the black magic of capitalism wor(l)d making - reclaim a power of saying : we have the feeling that some words are impose to us
Goal: - re-conceptualization - counter conceptualization : we need new/other words to express and grasp software complexity - Critically embracing Kittler's proposa: "There is no Software"; looking away from the 'center', towards peripheries; observe the 'negative' space of software. whats around it
Inspiration: -Donna Haraway’s practice of diffraction, reopen possibility of naming things, demultiplicate knowledge out of a single line, for her the line of (masculine) objectivity. Haraway`sresearch program : study using semiotics, visual culture and narrative practice + use society (genre, race, class) to explain phenomenon : situated knowledge.
Table of Haraway, from her article situated knowledge, p588: Universal rationality etnophilosophies Common language heteroglossia new organon deconstruction unified field theory oppositional positioning world system local knowledges master theory webbed accounts
Some Donna Haraway thoughts :
* "I am less interested in the critical practice of reflection, of showing once-again that emperor has no clothes, than in finding a way to diffract critical inquiry in order to make difference patterns in a more worldly way. p429, Haraway, Modest Witness, 1996
* “Diffraction patterns record the passage of difference, interaction, interference” p429-430, Haraway, Modest Witness, 1996
* “The modest witness in the narrative of this essay works to refigure the subjects, objects, and communicative commerce of technoscience into different kinds of knots. ”(Donna Haraway, 1996:428)
* “Science has been about a search for translation, convertibility, mobility of meanings, and universality - which I call reductionism only when one language (guess whose?) must be enforced as the standard for all the translations and conversions.” p580, Situated knowledge, 1988
Could we depart/expand upon Haraway's analysis and investigate the possibility for a transversal/non-linear approach to her cathegories by adding a set of 'operators' and 'inoperators', a set of other terms both useful and useless, on one side embracing and on the other questioning the paradigm of instrumentality at the core of processes of definition and cathegorization.
Example of operators between parenthesis below:
Universal rationality etnophilosophies (relocalization, multiplication) Common language heteroglossia (relocalization, multiplication) new organon deconstruction (unpacking, repacking, deconstruction) unified field theory oppositional positioning (positioning, mapping) world system local knowledges (relocalization, multiplication) master theory webbed accounts (networking)
-paradox -inversion -translation -traduction -remobilization -deconstruction -reconstruction -relocalization -multiplication -unpacking -repacking -positioning -mapping -webbing, networking -diffracting : record the passage of difference, interaction, interference
Inoperators: analogy neutralization parallelism
Model : one word or expressions | operator | new word | inoperator
Example of reconceptualization with the concept of tranparency :
Transparency regimes 0% Opacity | inversion, paradox | modes of obfuscation | analogy, parallelism
Transparent accounts | effects, paradox, opening | loop of never-ending suspicion and exegesis | neutralization
L I S T o f C O N C E P T S i n V O C A B U L A R I E S
- Counter Forensic: an investigation into software materiality.
- Medical position: curing user`s software disease.
- Office culture: critic-as-a-software-as-a-service
* Abstraction
- in computing often imagined as ascending (hierarchical) levels
- in math often done via symbols that contain complexity
- visual abstraction (ie. visualizations as abstractions that help hold complexity)
- abstracting from political economic conditions
* (Operating) System(s)
- in computing provide functions needed and used by most application programs, controling computer hardware
- Governement as an operating system / platform
* Software - Hardware
* Interface - Program
* ...
* Productivity axis: PositiveThinking - Efficiency - Predictability - Planability- CriticalPractice
* Accessibility axis: Openess -Transparency - Adaptability - Readability - Usability - Closure
Execute (-x)
- from
- of
- to
- with
- in
M O V E D : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PERSONALITIES section branched out in new pad http://etherbox.lan:9001/p/software-personalities
T O A D O P T : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (and take care of later)
Alphabets Character
(the) Jump
FIELDS, schools and communities Cybernetics Dadaists
FEATURES/ELEMENTS OF TECH Configuration (software configuration) Data File (which is also Program which is also Data which can become Software) Front end/back end / Low&high level Design Patterns Functionality Instructions Log Value ?Utility
Secrecy ? / Criptography?